About us

We are Intactivists, Lactivists, Human Rights Activists, Animal Rights Activists, but mostly just Mothers who are trying to get through each day with as much love and joy as possible. We are also on a mission to spread as much knowledge as we possibly can to help educate people in better options for being compassionate than what we are taught is "normal".

Thursday, May 19, 2011


There are many examples of discrimination occurring at any given moment in time. It is our responsibility to fight against these prejudiced attitudes so that, one day, we can all live without fear. But we have to be aware of how we are doing so.

My showing of respect is not based on whether or not I receive it. I do not live in such a greedy world where i am only willing to offer what I am getting. I believe that we have no right to ask for or demand what we are not already giving ourselves. I believe in Karma, that what you put out will come back to you.

"Ever mind the rule of three, what you send out comes back to thee."

I fight for freedom. It does not matter what your skin color, nationality, gender, sexual identity, or religious beliefs are. I fight by promoting awareness, sharing information, and encouraging tolerance. I do not do so by trying to prove how horrible, evil, wrong, or backwards the groups containing would be oppressors are because that is only adding more hatred to the mix.

-I will not assume that all Christians are judgmental, pious, and fanatical because some of them are genuinely caring people.

-I will not assume that all Muslims are terrorists who want to silence the world because some of them are innocent to the mindsets of others.

-I will not assume all homophobes are inherently bad people because some of them are just uneducated.

-I will not assume all parents who support circumcision are perverted child abuser because some of them are misinformed or unaware that they even have an option.

-I will not assume that all mothers who formula feed are lazy and selfish because some of them are only resorting to what will feed their child when breastfeeding fails. (I personally formula fed after my son was seven months old and my milk dried up no matter what I tried)

-I will not assume that all people who eat meat do not care about and respect other living creatures or the planet because some of them don't know how damaging and devastating it really is.

-I will not assume that all people who question me are looking for a fight because some of them are genuinely curious. (I admit, I'm still working on this one a little :-P)

I will absolutely formulate my own opinions on a subject after doing my own research of both sides of the argument. I will share anything that I find interesting. I will defend those under attack-no matter who they are. I will defend my views without backing down to anyone. I will never be silent to avoid offending someone. I will not fight back so hard, so viciously that I then become the attacker. You will never help any cause if you are spreading more fear and anger instead of love and acceptance. It's all about balance.

Be strong. Be firm. Be adventurous. Be empathy. Be love.

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