About us

We are Intactivists, Lactivists, Human Rights Activists, Animal Rights Activists, but mostly just Mothers who are trying to get through each day with as much love and joy as possible. We are also on a mission to spread as much knowledge as we possibly can to help educate people in better options for being compassionate than what we are taught is "normal".

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Why I chose cloth diapers

I used disposables with my older two children (now 6 and 4). Their bottoms would be hot and red, and sometimes broke out in serious rashes that I felt terrible about, convinced I was doing something wrong. I would change them more often, but that wouldn't help either.

When I was pregnant with X, I got 'crunchified'. I immersed myself in topics like breastfeeding, babywearing, natural birth options, and circumcision (or lack thereof). The one thing I was stumped on was cloth diapers.

I had seen a few posts concerning them but didn't really know what the big deal was. Until I saw posts about chemical burns and male infertility and testicular cancer associated with disposable diapers. The amount of chemicals that we're putting in, on and around our babies, it's no wonder that we're seeing more of things like this.

Still, I was lost when it came to CD'ing and what I would need to start. When I thought of cloth diapers, I thought of prefolds, pins and plastic pants. I did my research and found some options that would work for us. There's a lot of options for different lifestyles.

1 comment:

  1. When pregnant with my son, I decided to use cloth nappies because it felt right for the environment and also for his delicate skin. I had no knowledge of Modern Cloth nappies, just the old school ones... Luckily I found out about MCN's and just how easy they are!

    I bought a few different ones second hand off ebay to see which ones suited us! My best and favourite are made by a WAHM, Bonniebuns. They are snap in one's, they are quick drying and moderately slim fitting. I just loved them so much, I had a heap of customs made in fabrics of my choice! This is an Australian lady, so not sure if it would be practical or cost effective for you...

    I also have some Swaddlebee's and they are also amazing!

    The one thing I never expected with MCN's is just how ADDICTIVE they can be! I have an unnatural urge to keep topping up my stash with new designs! One for every occasion :) DH was getting a little annoyed with my new additions, so I got around that one by getting some customs made with his soccer team on them! hehehe Now he grabs them every time he changes bubby, and I don't here a peep from hm about my crazy addicton!
