I will not follow directions simply because they are given to me. I will not do what “everyone” else is doing simply because it’s “what you do”. I will not take someone else’s word for truth simply because it is offered as such.
I will ask questions. I will do my own research. I will make my own decisions based on facts, not social customs, aesthetics, or monetary gain. I will take the risk of pissing off everyone and anyone around me in my quest for knowledge but I will not take the risk of hurting my child to avoid conflict or to promote someone else’s self interest.
Break away from the heard of sheep and ask questions, be genuinely open to the answers. When we stop asking questions, stop seeking information, then we stop utilizing our freedom and independence and we inevitably give up our power to those who do have knowledge. And unfortunately, just because other’s have knowledge it doesn’t mean that they use it ethically or offer it honestly. Why would you put 100% of your faith in someone who has money to gain from you? In the vast ocean of doctors and patients each individual person becomes little more than numbers on a paper to the companies that make the decisions. I’m not saying that it’s an entirely corrupt system but there are unquestionably unnecessary procedures practiced on a very regular basis. It is no secret that money can make people do horrible, dark, ugly and cruel things so why would the healthcare system be exempt from that? Wanting to believe in something doesn’t make it reality and to continue to indulge in your own delusions of security when presented with the truth is the equivalent of closing your eyes and plugging your ears to deny the existence of a tornado because the weatherman said it would only be windy and you really just feel more comfortable taking his word for it, after all it is his job, right? It is irresponsible to accept the opinions of other people without searching for information yourself. You owe it to yourself and you sure as hell owe it to your kids to know more about what is being done to them just because it’s “standard”. Get off your ass and think for yourself!! If you start making waves, good. If people become angry or frustrated with you, good. Many people become angry and defensive when your actions threaten to pop the lovely little protective bubble of illusion they have surrounded themselves with. When you do what is right it reminds them that they might not be and it is absolutely amazing the ability that people can develop to cling desperately to a false sense of safety rather than “risk” seeing the actuality and having to face the possibility of change. Basically, “change is scary!” and you will find that most people are far more willing to defend their bad choices rather than acknowledge that they (even inadvertently) made a mistake that harmed their child or that they themselves were potentially harmed by their own parents bad decisions. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard people say my____ (mother, father, grandmother, grandfather, aunt, uncle, etc…) did ____ (fill in unhealthy or unnecessary practice) and they were just fine. That’s great, just because a way of doing things was sufficient it doesn’t mean that it can’t be done better. We are constantly learning new things and finding improved ways of doing old things. Do you want to sit stagnant just because it’s easier to shrug off change than it is to think for yourself? Me, I’d rather use any knowledge I can to change my life (and my children's lives) for the better and admit that I may have been wrong about my previous notions. But that’s just me.